Let's work together ...

Bernward Geier    (Foto: A. Kühlken / medienfabrik)
Bernward Geier (Foto: A. Kühlken / medienfabrik)


COLABORALet’s work together  was founded in 2006 by Bernward Geier, agronom and journalist, after he served 18 years as director of IFOAM (International Federation of Agriculture Movements), the umbrella organisation of the organic world.

COLABORA is active in the areas of ecological agri- and food culture, and promotes sustainability. It mainly works – also at the international level – in the following sectors:

COMMUNICATIONS – film projects, print media, lectures, speeches and moderation

EVENTS – conferences, lectures, tours and (cultural-)events

CONSULTANCY – organic marketing, sustainability, concepts and project planning

FUNDRAISING – for own activities and other projects