Bernward Geier

Bernward is a passionate networker who finds the right people for his ideas and likes to match.

+49 (0)2245 - 61 86 52

CV Englisch.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 61.1 KB

Karin Rauber

Karin is a bilingual secretary and works with Bernward since over 23 years. First at IFOAM and now with COLABORA.

She supports COLABORA with all text work and works out of her home office in the Saarland.

Birgit Geier

Birgit helps in the office and in organisational matters.  She leads her own horse breeding farm with Icelandic horses.

+49 (0)2245 - 61 96 00

More about the farm ...
More about the farm ...